Songwriting rhymes for prerecorded
These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.
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Perfect rhymes for prerecorded
- sordid
- recorded
- afforded
- accorded
- awarded
- corded
- rewarded
- boarded
- hoarded
- chorded
- warded
- swarded
- lorded
- unrecorded
- aboard did
- accord did
- award did
- baltimore did
- before did
- board did
- board id
- bohr did
- commodore did
- concord did
- cord did
- core did
- corps did
- door did
- drawer did
- ecuador did
- floor did
- ford did
- four did
- furthermore did
- gore did
- igor did
- landlord did
- lenore did
- lord did
- mentor did
- more did
- nor did
- or did
- ore did
- orr did
- record did
- record id
- reward did
- salvador did
- score did
- shore did
- singapore did
- store did
- sword did
- theodore did
- therefore did
- thor did
- war did
- ward did
- woodward did
Near rhymes for prerecorded
Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.
- garbage
- brokenhearted
- supermarket
- college
- acknowledge
- cockpit
- locket
- starlit
- imported
- exalted
- escorted
- resorted
- imparted
- courtship
- darted
- retorted
- sorted
- assorted
- exhorted
- assaulted
- purported
- courted
- aborted
- snorted
- extorted
- unsupported
- carted
- ported
- scalded
- faulted
- sported
- reportage
- uncharted
- unreported
- defaulted
- shorted
- restarted
- yardage
- quartette
- consorted
- unsorted
- downhearted
- kindhearted
- warmhearted
- cavorted
- goodhearted
- hardhearted
- fainthearted
- tenderhearted
- misreported
- openhearted
- somersaulted
- greathearted
- bighearted
- presorted
- heavyhearted
- lionhearted
- chickenhearted
- balded
- responded
Want to know what rhymes with prerecorded?
Words pair up with other words to make poetic sense within your song
You'll need this if you're writing a love song, or maybe a party anthem or an motivational track
Whatever it is you need a rhyme for, we've got it covered.
These are just a few of our rhymes. If you want to discover all the ways you can express yourself with Chorus, sign up for the full version now.
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