Songwriting rhymes for folker
These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.
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Perfect rhymes for folker
- poker
- joker
- broker
- mediocre
- ochre
- ocher
- stoker
- choker
- oaker
- stroker
- smoker
- stockbroker
- croaker
- soaker
- penny ante poker
- nonsmoker
- bowker
- coker
- real estate broker
- power broker
- croker
- practical joker
- stud poker
- zocor
- loker
- ship broker
- insurance broker
- draw poker
- bokor
- boker
- cigarette smoker
- stove poker
- sea poker
- strip poker
- white croaker
- atlantic croaker
- yellow ochre
- marriage broker
- pipe smoker
- straight poker
- hoecker
- cigar smoker
- boecker
- kocur
- stoecker
- koker
- kolker
- kroeker
- roecker
- noecker
- awoke her
- boeker
- broecker
- broeker
- broke her
- choke her
- cloak her
- coe kerr
- evoke her
- exbroker
Near rhymes for folker
Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.
- over
- closer
- were
- her
- shoulder
- sober
- older
- work
- shoulders
- roller
- colder
- coaster
- soldier
- motor
- our
- closure
- soldiers
- broken
- nowhere
- fire
- composure
- worked
- works
- slower
- picture
- stoner
- hour
- pictures
- smoking
- higher
- power
- desire
- focus
- liquor
- sir
- jerk
- doctor
- jokers
- rover
- october
- exposure
- bipolar
- dover
- voter
- rollercoaster
- homework
- flower
- beholder
- promoters
- loafers
- controllers
- poster
- odours
- toaster
- player
- posters
- roadster
- prefer
- blur
- sucker
- fucker
- upholstered
- liar
- shower
- wire
- oyster
- awkward
- jerks
- sour
- rotate
- hooker
- doctors
- chauffeur
- ur
- darker
- thicker
- flicker
- maker
- unspoken
- spoken
- anchor
- speakers
- follower
- soaking
- smirk
- followers
- taker
- weaker
- breaker
- quirks
- spur
- stir
- purr
- fur
- relocate
- breakers
- takers
- loca
- karaoke
- coca
Want to know what rhymes with folker?
When you’ve got an idea for a song, things can get tough
Rhymes that work for one genre don’t always work for another
Thankfully, you can use our rhyming dictionary to make sure you find something that sounds right. With Chorus, we find you only those rhymes which are useful for songwriters, so you know that the words we give you are singable and work for the genre you're writing in.
This is just a sample of the creative tools you can find in the full version of Chorus. The full version has more writing styles, more ways to edit your work, and more fun for creative writers!