Songwriting rhymes for darkened
These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.
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Perfect rhymes for darkened
- harkened
- yarkand
- arcand
- aardvark and
- arc and
- arche and
- ark and
- ballpark and
- barca and
- bark and
- barke and
- barque and
- benchmark and
- birthmark and
- bismarck and
- bismarck und
- bismark and
- charkha and
- clark and
- clarke and
- dark and
- darke and
- denmark and
- deutschemark and
- disembark and
- earmark and
- embark and
- garch and
- goldmark and
- hallmark and
- hark and
- karch and
- landmark and
- lark and
- marc and
- marca and
- mark and
- mark und
- marka and
- marke and
- marque and
- matriarch and
- meadowlark and
- monarch and
- newmark and
- oligarch and
- ozark and
- parc and
- park and
- parka and
- parke and
- patriarch and
- petrarca and
- postmark and
- quark and
- remark and
- saarc and
- sark and
- shark and
- skylark and
Near rhymes for darkened
Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.
- wanted
- started
- honest
- darkest
- promised
- apartment
- important
- hardest
- rocket
- closet
- haunted
- market
- orbit
- solid
- guarded
- spotted
- sharpened
- bottled
- constant
- forest
- carpet
- chocolate
- gossip
- product
- artist
- department
- profit
- orange
- longest
- wallet
- vomit
- faucet
- recorded
- exhausted
- distorted
- hardened
- blotted
- disheartened
- salted
- remodeled
- knowledge
- target
- storage
- involvement
- portrait
- mortgage
- shortage
- solvent
- sergeant
- compartment
- sharpest
- hottest
- smartest
Want to know what rhymes with darkened?
If you’re a songwriter, a quick search online will throw up thousands of different words and expressions that rhyme
In fact, people have been publishing rhyming dictionaries for more than a hundred years
But are these the best rhymes for songwriters? I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to choose between “thieve” and “breach” (which do not rhyme), I’ll always choose “thieve”
Why? Well, we as songwriters are looking for singable words that sound good together in songs
The main factor we look at is how they sound when we say them or sing them, rather than just looking at how they look on a page — and this is what sets us apart from other types of writers
That's what we've done with Chorus!
This is just a sample of the rhymes you can find with Chorus. We have many more tools to help you be a better writer. Sign up for Chorus now!