How to generate infinite song ideas in seconds with Chorus

Have you ever run out of song ideas? It’s frustrating. You can’t write anything new and you have a bunch of people expecting new material. Well, I have good news — now you never need to worry about this again. Today I’m going to show you how Genius can be used to generate endless ideas for songs on themes and topics that you choose.
Before we tell you how to use Genius to generate unique song ideas, we need to tell you what Genius is and how to access it!
Genius is our revolutionary new AI that acts as your creative co-writer when you’re writing in Chorus. It uses state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial intelligence to give you creative nudges by suggesting next lines, or giving you unique, creative phrases. It helps you avoid clichés and breathes life into your songwriting.
We wrote a guide on Getting the most out of Genius which tells you all about generating next lines and lyrical phrases. But one of our users showed us that they had been using Genius to generate unique song ideas. They showed us how to generate 20 or so in a couple of minutes!
You can leave the title empty as we’re not going to use the lyrics page – all we need is the Genius part.
Vague topics like “heartbreak” or “loneliness” work really well.
Make sure your topic is three words or fewer. This ensures Genius generates new phrases on that topic. If you enter more than three words, Genius will treat it as a line of a song, and try to write the following line for you, which wouldn’t be as useful for generating song ideas.
Enter the topic into the Genius text box, and make sure to put the creativity slider up to the max. With the creativity up high, Genius will take some leaps of imagination and come up with some creative phrases related to your theme.
Now press the Suggest button. Genius will get to work generating unique phrases on the topic that you can use as song ideas.
Genius will return up to five ideas at a time. You can click Create more to get more suggestions for the same theme.
There are definitely some useable song ideas in there! I really like the ideas behind Nobody’s waiting, and Alone and up all night.
If you want to generate more song ideas around related topics, put your topic into Triggers, and then put some of those results into Genius!
For instance, for loneliness, Triggers gives emptiness, whispering, heartache, and more. These can be used to generate more song ideas!
You’ve seen how you can use Genius to make song ideas for you, but we want to show you some examples of what it can do.
We looked at the top themes in songs from the last 50 years of Billboard Hot 100 Hits and ran some of them through Genius to see what ideas it came up with.
You can see how some of these phrases could form hooks for your chorus, a song title, or some great opening lines.
Now you can use all the other tools in Chorus to take your song idea and turn it into a fully-finished lyric.
Or as a quick songwriting exercise, you could try writing a single verse or chorus for these ideas. You don’t have to turn everything into a complete song – but writing little and often is a great way to improve your songwriting.
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